A Challenging Bucket List Item

A Challenging Bucket List Item

Am looking at my bucket list for 2012. I can’t scratch off “Achieve world peace,” “Tour Ireland,” or “Lose 30 pounds” today, so I’m concentrating on another item on my list: “Find something to come out of.” Or, for you grammar purists, I want something out...
Fun with Radio Talk Shows

Fun with Radio Talk Shows

I’m tired of hearing about what arrogant snobs we Americans are. We’re elitist!  We’re boastful! Oh, really? As I drive the beautiful Blue Ridge between the North and South, I have long stretches of time to listen to local radio talk shows.  (There...
Things I’ve Learned Recently

Things I’ve Learned Recently

A list: I can make someone yawn from 107 miles away. The only thing worse than the alarm going off in the morning is the alarm not going off. The people who aren’t present are always wrong. When people ask for critical feedback, what they really want is praise....