Weaving Worlds, Word by Word

Fatal Memories

Lethal Capers by D.L.Koontz

(Book #3 in the Risky Changes series)

She glared toward the ruptured cockpit, needing to see a calm pilot. Instead, he slumped to his right, like dead weight. A man behind her screamed: “Brace yourself. We’re going down!”

After a horrific plane crash leaves her stranded in nowhere Wyoming with no memory, fashion photojournalist Miranda Stanfield must learn whether it’s possible to start over.

When rancher and ex-Green Beret Bryce Cameron and his team discover Miranda battered and confused, he quickly concludes: she’s either a witness in danger or a dangerous participant.

Charged with an allegiance to his mission, Bryce is duty-bound to eliminate all potential threats. But how can he do that when he’s inexplicably drawn to a woman who may prove to have direct ties to the terrorist they’re hunting?

Meanwhile, Miranda begins to wonder if not remembering is the only thing keeping her alive.

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