Weaving Worlds, Word by Word

“The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.”
–Charles Kuralt

Let’s Add a Little Pizzazz to Tax Season
The beginning of February marks that time when all government-required tax forms should have been received. Our toil diminished to numbers. Now the race is on until mid-April when those numbers must be filed. In the interim, we’ll go shopping for a blood-sucking...

Is It Okay to Alter Nature in Our Writing?
For brevity sake, I’ll shorten what I had written: An intricate tale of…the series takes place...on a crypt-like hillside…and the raging Potomac River... A friend, reading my book proposal, looked up, a pout on his face. “You can’t say that,” he said. Say what? I...

Caught Betwixt and Between the North and that South
Part II of II In Part I of this Betwixt and Between rumination, I discussed the confusion experienced by we folks living in Marpennsylginia (the mid-Atlantic), caught as we are between our efficient neighbors to the North and our charming neighbors to the South....

Caught Betwixt and Between the North and the South
Part I of II I'm originally from the North, but I spend a lot of time with Just My Joe in the South. And yet, I live in that beautiful, confused and bewildered in-between area, the mid-Atlantic region. Or, as I call it, Marpennsylginia. We’re confused and bewildered...

Add Background Music to Your Novel…and Your Life!
I know how this guy feels. He’s going on location to create the perfect background music for his story, and— What? “On location"..."Background music”– Is this a posting about cinematography or writing? Hmmm, allow me to address these two notions before moving on. On...

Much Ado about This Thing Called Social Networking
When I get exasperated with social networking, I often think of that poor bewildered character, "Jack." You know the guy ― the protagonist in the children's nursery rhyme, "The House that Jack Built." If you need a refresher of the rhyme, you'll find it here:...

Blessing a New Home: More Than Meets the Eye
On my most recent trip down the Blue Ridge to Georgia, Just My Joe and I helped our friend Ed celebrate his new home. I had researched what I thought was the Amish tradition for blessing new homes. Turns out, the Jewish and Italian communities identify similar...

Try This On For Sighs
Or, Love the Second Time Around I’ve been challenged to write about something besides…well…writing. And, to write something serious. “Just once,” a friend advised. “Prove that you can do it.” Apparently everything I write (other than my fiction) is lighthearted or...

A Challenging Bucket List Item
Am looking at my bucket list for 2012. I can’t scratch off “Achieve world peace,” “Tour Ireland,” or “Lose 30 pounds” today, so I’m concentrating on another item on my list: "Find something to come out of." Or, for you grammar purists, I want something out of which I...

Fun with Radio Talk Shows
I'm tired of hearing about what arrogant snobs we Americans are. We're elitist! We're boastful! Oh, really? As I drive the beautiful Blue Ridge between the North and South, I have long stretches of time to listen to local radio talk shows. (There are almost 1,700...