Weaving Worlds, Word by Word

“The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.”
–Charles Kuralt

Keep Calm and Carry On
We don’t like what’s happening on the national stage, but it’s no reason to toss in the towel or call defeat or become the type of negative, discouraged person we see—and don’t like—in others. Do what you feel led to do, even if locally.

My New Romantic Suspense Series to Launch 2nd Half of 2020
Falling in love can be risky. But, to do it while you’re also dodging bullets and kidnappers and murderers, well, that’s a whole other proposition, isn’t it? The Heroines in the Risky Changes Series In my upcoming series, Risky Changes, meet brainy Anna, bold Rhea,...

12 Ways to Add More Joy to Your Book-Reading Bliss
If you’re a reader, you know the formula: A good book + coffee/tea/wine + uninterrupted time = Bliss. That’s all it takes, which is reason #97 why reading is the ultimate pastime for us book lovers! However, in the vein of making a terrific situation even...

Bedford Springs: Is it for Real?
After What the Moon Saw debuted a couple weeks ago, I started receiving a lot of questions. Today, I will answer inquiries pertaining to the Bedford Springs Hotel (now, Resort), and to share more pictures! (Many of the images are featured at the Resort’s website, so...

What the Moon Saw – Available at Amazon!
I write. A lot. But, apparently what I do NOT do much, is write about my writing. In short, I don’t communicate well on social media. You know what I mean: those titillating blog and Facebook postings that make people want to follow me and conclude I’m some sort of...

I Fall for it Every Year
As I type this, I’m chuckling. At myself. This quote is what I murmur under my breath ALL SUMMER LONG here in southeast Georgia, where the summers are stifling hot, humid, bug-filled, and breezeless. Just make it through the summer, and it will be Fall! I try—truly I...

Are ‘Vivid Memories’ on Your List of Blessings?
Confession: I had never thought of ‘vivid memory capabilities’ as a blessing before! Have you? It is so wonderful how a visual or a taste or, especially, a smell can bring instant recall of a poignant moment in our lives. How could I have failed to add this to my...

Can Creating Be More Rewarding than the Creation?
“What is it?” That’s what my 23-year-old son asked as he skeptically and gingerly lifted one of his Christmas presents out of its gaily wrapped box. Several answers swirled through my head: “It’s your mother’s effort at channeling her inner hippie.” “It’s the hottest...

Stand Back! Deadly Hands Are in the House
This quote reminds me of another, coined in 1839 by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton: “The pen is mightier than the sword.” But, what few people know is that—like much urban wisdom—the thought behind it stemmed from the Bible. Hebrews 4:12 says, “Indeed, the word...

A Life Lesson from the Confidant Kid Down the Street
Each morning this past school year, he patiently stood on the gravel at the end of his driveway, near the corner, where the school bus stopped to pick him up. Depending on when I can rouse myself out of bed, I often passed him during my daily walk. He was shorter than...