Weaving Worlds, Word by Word

“The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.”
–Charles Kuralt

Letting the Extraordinary Take Care of Itself
I walked by “RonRon” during my early morning walk. I have a cordial, conversational relationship with him. Most folks around town know him. I don’t know why his name is doubled, or if that’s even his “real” name. I don’t know his last name. I don’t know if he’s...

Battling Migraine Headaches – 10 Steps I Took
Whoot-whoot! I’ve gone one year without a migraine headache! Whoa, wait, what—I’m announcing that? You betcha. If you’ve ever suffered even one of these horrific, demon, PAINFUL nuisances, then you’ll understand my joy. Yes, they’re that bad. As in: •...

Intriguing Characters in Real Life
--Are There Some in Your Everyday World? It’s no secret I love to write and teach. So, I’m often asked from where I get ideas for names, plots, and characters. As for names, I’ve been known to go shopping for ideas in cemeteries! Plots...

When a Million-Plus Words is Still Not Enough
I love words. They’re my tools. I stitch them together in an effort to entertain, enthrall, and inspire readers. Sometimes I hit the mark; other times, I have to tear out the stitching and start over. And, with 1,033,322 words in the English language (Global Language...

Lexington, Virginia – Put it on Your Travel-Bucket List!
I included a scene set in Lexington, Virginia in my series, The Crossings Trilogy. Some folks have asked if I meant to use Lexington, Kentucky (No), and why would I include such an offbeat location? My answer: Visit the town, and you’ll understand why! It is so...

Ponder the Drabble and the Cell Phone Novel
Readers love to share unusual tidbits about writing with me, and I love it! I always ponder them, sometimes post them, and, on a good day, even try them. But, two ideas I received recently prompted me to put on the brakes: (1) the drabble, and (2) the cell phone...

Cell Phones and Classic Literature – Can They Live in Perfect Harmony?
I love my cell phone. In fact, like many people, I would be lost without it. But, cell phones have made the task of a fiction writer a little more challenging. Sometimes it can be head-banging to plot and write a story around the ever-present aspect of instant...

Following Your Passion
I write novels that blend historical intrigue and modern-day suspense with romance and a touch of supernatural. Try to find that category at your favorite book store. As such, one of my favorite parts of writing is undertaking research. In Book 3 (Escaping from the...

“Once More, with Feeling!”
(Or, Reflections on Grocery Shopping) Anyone who has taken lessons in something creative—singing, dancing, instruments—has heard the instruction to do it again. And, “with feeling!” But, oh my, I hate to repeat things. That’s why my piano-playing skills never...
Enter to Win a Kindle Fire!
Would you like to win a Kindle Fire for your loved one for Christmas? Perhaps to pamper yourself with? Enter to win a Kindle Fire and a set of print copies of Crossing Into the Mystic and Edging Through the Darkness. The ways to enter are listed on the Rafflecopter...