Weaving Worlds, Word by Word

“The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines.”
–Charles Kuralt

Healthy Pizza and a Good Book to Read – What Could be Better?
Edging through the Darkness (book #2 in The Crossings Trilogy) was released in May and I’m receiving a variety of questions! I’ll answer them in this blog from time to time, but here are the top three so far: publication date of book #3? (I don’t know…I’m...

Book 2 is Available? Help me Remember Who’s Who!
“Dear D.L., I loved Crossing into the Mystic but can’t remember who the characters are or what they did. I wish the entire trilogy was available at once. Can you add a list of characters to Book #2 since it now available? ~ Curious” Dear Curious, Thanks for the...

Why Writers Write
In high school my friend Teresa could sing like a lark. And she did, every chance she got. One day I asked her how she did it. How could she overcome stage fright and sing songs in front of hundreds of people, without fear of rejection or critical feedback? Her...

Confidence, Paging Confidence…Has it Left the Building?
A Lesson from an Island Stranger “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.”― Henry David Thoreau “The eyes of others (are) our prisons; their thoughts our cages.” ― Virginia Woolf “When I was a child my mother said to...

Q&A Edging Through the Darkness
Readers are awesome! In my last post, I mentioned availability of book #2—Edging through the Darkness—in my series, The Crossings Trilogy, and I immediately was peppered with questions. I’ll try to answer some of them here, without spoiling the story. Question: At the...

Edging through the Darkness Debuts this Week!
It’s May, and I’m so excited because this means my second novel—Edging through the Darkness—debuts this week. (Yes, it picks up where book #1, Crossing into the Mystic, left off.) And look at that cover! Orange and purple—who’da thought this pop of color would provide...

If These Walls Could Only Talk….
Here’s what happens when they do. My writing friend Tami arrived at the restaurant sporting a big smile and her trademark thick, wavy hair, and dropped into the seat opposite me saying, “I dreamed a whole book last night.” We squealed, as only writers would do who...

36 Quotes to Kick-start Your Creativity
The writer’s life can be an odd undertaking, generally waffling between moments of euphoria and despair, then back again in seconds. If my editor could edit my life the way she does my books, I think we’d both be happier. The euphoria comes when the words flow, the...

How to Sneak More Water into Your Daily Life
“What!?” The conference group’s one-word exclamation chorused through the assembly room, startling others around us. You’d have thought I said I climbed Mt. Everest. Instead, what I said: “I drink around 70 ounces of water a day.” I sensed my new friends struggled...

A New Approach to Voicing Love?
When I was growing up, my mother used to tell me that the word “love” is overused and thus diluted in its impact. What! How could that be? And, especially coming from a mother? I mean, there’s never enough love going around, right? With further prodding, I learned...