Introducing a Tryst with Lists
Are you a list maker?
I am. In fact, I am the queen of making lists.
And, like many, I’ve also joined the decluttering revolution, and have found joy in simple abundance.
I’ve cleaned my closets, kitchen drawers, cabinets, and vehicles.
I’ve decreased my commitments, activities, schedules, and obligations.
I’ve streamlined my work products: resume, professional papers, fiction writing (err, still working on that one).
After all that purging and purifying, I realized I didn’t feel any better than I did before.
Then, it hit me—none of that makes me feel good if my mind is still cluttered.
It’s always spinning with stories to write, home improvements to tackle, friends to contact, etc.
But, if I write down those tasks and thoughts, then I can free my mind a little…and I am the queen of making lists…
Join me! Each week I’ll provide a sheet for you to download and fill out. That’s all you have to do, although I encourage you to three-hole punch and place them into a designated binder. Keep ‘em private, share them with friends, or leave a note here about what you put on your list.
A tryst roughly means “an arrangement to meet” and “usually done privately.” Squirrel away some precious time for yourself to create your lists.
Then again, I remember an evening of raucous laughter when a friend and I developed this list: “What I disliked about high school.”
So, I predict that as the lists and binder grow, you’ll be re-impressed with all you’ve done.
You’ll also have reference lists for yourself and your family.
You’ll discover you’re more accomplished and multi-dimensional than you thought.
You’ll identify vital ideas for a vision board (a place to display images that represent what you want to focus on in life). Such a board keeps your ‘attention on your intentions’.
Best of all, you’ll have decluttered your mind because you’ve written things down.
Let’s get started!
This first time, you get a two-fer.
First up: A List of Why We Should Make Lists! No, you don’t do this one, but I sure hope you read it as a reminder of the benefits you’ll derive. In fact, I’ll list the benefits below too, in case you can’t read my pitiful handwriting in the picture.
Find your first list template below this one.
If you don’t want to miss any lists, be sure to sign up to have them delivered into your email.
Why We Should Make Lists
- Excellent brain activity to combat Alzheimer’s
- Taxes your memory
- Lessens the amount of things you must remember
- More fun than crossword puzzles
- Explores your heart
- Creates new energy (via meditation)
- Develops references for creating vision boards
- Discovers lost memories
- Fun to share/do with friends
- Reignites old passions
- Primes the creativity pump for any art/hobby (research proves it!)
- Your children will love it one day (especially if it’s in your own handwriting)
- Positive activities produce positive outlooks
- Great to curl up with when you’re feeling grouchy or grumpy, snarly or snarky, blue or blustery.
- Kick-starts an excellent tally of our many blessings
- Frees up other time so you can help others
Things That Make Me Feel Good – download list template HERE.
Love this post, and love your book trailer even more. Great writing!
What a great idea and a very timely one for me . . . count me in. Maybe I’ll even have time now to read a good book early 2014. How exciting!
You have expanded my appreciation of listing. (Stupid pun in my mind about listing over–never mind) I’m on board. And yes, I love the trailer–and your new look!
I am a list-making maniac! I have been making them since…I can’t remember where I put that list! Great post, Debra! Great looking site!